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Foam retention basin

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Foam retention basin

RCY’s inflatable retention basins are a flexible, inexpensive solution for recovering liquids that may damage the environment. Because of their low weight and folded dimensions, they are quick and easy to deploy. They are available in PVC, polyurethane and special polymers. These materials provide excellent resistance to the aggression of many chemicals.

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[button onclick=”ga(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘citernes-souples’, ‘Clic-telechargement’, ‘PDF bassin-mousse’);” link=”étention-Mousse.pdf” size=”medium” color=”red” style=”light” lightbox=”false” iconbox=”pdf”]PDF Download[/button]

They are available in PVC for storage, but also in Polyurethane and special polymers that guarantee excellent resistance to the aggressions of many chemicals.
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Our flexible retention basins

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Basin with brackets

The basins with brackets are quick and easy to deploy allowing you to recover liquids that may damage the environment.
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Basin with adjustable plates

Quick and easy to install, easy to move, the basin with adjustable plates makes it possible to recover products that are harmful to the environment
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Drip basin

The drip basin is designed to retain oil or fuel leaking from construction machinery while allowing water to pass through.
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