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Aqua-sac® flood bag

Aqua-sac® is a flood protection system. Operating on the same principle as a sandbag, it makes it possible to effectively fight rising waters. An Aqua-sac ® contains three components: a jute bag, an inner cotton bag, and a super absorbent polymer.

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A flood protection bag

The Aqua-Sac ® must simply be immersed in water to be inflated and thus be effective as protection.
After momentary immersion of 5 to 8 min, the Aqua-bag ® increases its volume by about 30 times. Its weight goes from 400 g to about 13 kg.

Stored correctly, an Aqua-sac ® has a life span of about 5 years. After the first use, this flood bag can be used for 5 months. At its end of life, it can be deposited in landfills or destroyed by incineration without environmental risks.

The advantages:

– Quick and easy deployment.
– Significantly lighter than traditional sandbags.
– Reusable
– Environmentally friendly

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